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Mens Saturday Stroke

By October 8, 2016October 10th, 2016Results


8 October 2016

GradeNameDaily HandicapGA HandicapNett Score
AKeough, Mathew32.771
AKelly, Dennis54.971
ACareless, John22.172
APaul, Jason99.272
AKeough, Mark55.272
ARandle, Stuart43.573
AButt, Adrian21.873
AHalliday, Ian109.973
ADireen, Simon54.974
ARoe, William55.176
ARumney, Timothy65.576
AEaton, Martin88.278
AFlakemore, Harvey1010.078
AEaton, Stuart66.279
AWebb, Michael76.981
BJames, Jimmy1514.871
BMillhouse, Brett1615.671
BSavage, Trevor1110.773
BAbbott, Geoffrey1414.074
BTrewartha, Ned1615.975
BThompson, Brett1514.775
BJovic, Teah1615.976
BBaker, Corey1110.676
BMagrath, Scott1413.477
BLovell, Denis1211.377
BPaul, Gene1615.877
BStarr, John1110.877
BClark, Nicholas1211.777
BCockerill, Geoffrey1615.977
BMeers, John1717.078
BSilk, Michael1312.578
BEverson, Alan1110.879
BClark, Susan1716.679
BKelly, Patrick1212.181
BLange, Barry1414.084
CO'Neill, Sean2120.072
CMillhouse, Graeme2019.775
CPage, David2019.576
CScott, John2221.077
CRandle, Jacqueline3029.778
CAustin, William1918.778
CGlennie, Scott2120.679
CWoolley, Stacey2120.481
ALucas, Steven11.3
BHancock, Stuart1312.7
BSavage, Dallas1514.7

Nearest to the Pin

1st Hole: M Webb (223cm)
6th Hole: B Thompson (147cm)
10th Hole: S O’Neill (445cm)
Super Pin: T Jovic (248cm)