The original building – later to become the Huon Valley Golf Club House
The original Huonville Golf course was first formed in 1932 at Grove on the property owned by Mr Parsons (now that of Don Heron). The club affiliated with the STGU in 1933. The land was sold in 1940 and the club moved to Ranelagh near the Wilmot bridge on land owned by H.L. Clark and I. H. Walton later owned by Tom Francomb. This property was sold in 1945 resulting in a move to the property owned by H.L.Clark situated behind Clemments and Marshall now Roberts Ltd. They played six to nine months of the year.
In 1969 the club was established at the current site (Glen Huon Rd) at which stage the official name was changed to “The Huon Valley Golf club” The course was designed by a Mr Howard who also designed Tasmania Golf Course. The design first had nine holes later adding two more followed by another to its current twelve, all done by voluntary labour. Competition with 25 players was a good field, always played in three’s. On arrivall to the course one placed their ball in a cut out pipe for matching up with fellow players.
This information was provided by our life member Mr Athol Eaton

The Huon Valley Golf Clubhouse 1982
History continues as it was then so it is today.
By the generous giving of voluntary labour our club continues to benefit. Another interesting news item as reported in the Mercury dated May 1895 was the results of huge lottery draw conducted by “Tatersalls”. It was called “Grand Lottery” tickets were issued by “bank of Van Diemens Land Ltd (In liquidation) for one pound.
The extract from the Mercury reads:
“It was not till the sixth and seventh prizes were reached that Tasmanians appeared among the successful 50. Douglass Smith of Elizabeth Street, Hobart won a 1,250 pound orchard property fronting the Huon River and George Staucomb of Perth got three cottages at Battery Point, valued at only 50 pound less. These were amongst the first eight winners of the most valuable prizes.
Information provided by our life member Max Thomas who advised the significance of this advertisement is that the “cottage” fronting the Huon River is in fact the original house situated on our existing clubhouse site.
Over the years the club has flourished and again with a lot of voluntary labour and the abundance of water available from the pumphouse at the Huon River has enabled the course to remain lush and green over the summer months. A considerable amount of money and voluntary labour was used to provide a good drainage system to most fairways making the course more useable all through the winter months.
The club enjoys a large membership of both men and women players who enjoy good golfing and good fellowship all year round.